

up4 is developed and maintained by:

Dominik Werner
PhD Candidate, Chemical Engineering
University of Birmingham
Daniel Weston
EngD Candidate, Chemical Engineering
University of Birmingham

This library was developed during our respective doctoral studies, under the supervision of

Kit Windows-Yule
Lecturer, Chemical Engineering
University of Birmingham



If you use this library, please cite us:


The up4 package is GPL v3.0 licensed. In non-lawyer terms, the key points of this license are:

  • You can view, use, copy and modify this code _freely_.

  • Your modifications must _also_ be licensed with GPL v3.0 or later.

  • If you share your modifications with someone, you have to include the source code as well.

Essentially, do whatever you want with the code, but don’t try selling it saying it’s yours :). GPL v3.0 is indeed a very strong copyleft license; it was deliberately chosen to maintain the openness and transparency of great software and progress. This also ties into the very reason for up4’s conception - to transparently process and compare Lagrangian data, regardless of source. Further, open collaboration is frankly way more efficient than closed, for-profit competition.