Scalar Plots Tutorial#

Scalar quantities calculated by up4 can be visualised by the up4.Plotter2D class. For ease of use, this class takes 3D grids as an input, and will appropriately depth-average or slice the data for you. The axis argument to methods defined in this class refers to which axis the depth-averaging/ slicing will happen along (cylindrical equivalents in brackets):

  • 0: slice along x(r)-axis, the plane for the data is y-z (\(\theta\)-z).

  • 1: slice along y(\(\theta\))-axis, the plane for the data is x-z (r-z).

  • 2: slice along z(z)-axis, the plane for the data is x-y (r-\(\theta\)).

Available scalar plotting options are:

It is possible to use either a 3D scalar field (see tutorial) or a 3D vector field, e.g. the velocity field. In the latter case, up4 will calculate the magnitude of the vector quantity after depth-averaging or slicing.

In the proceeding sections, we will focus on the visualisation of scalar fields from a rotating drum, that rotates about the x-axis. The data for this can be found in the tests/fixtures directory of up4. To avoid unnecessary code repitition, each example assumes that above it is the following code block:

import up4
drum_hdf5_file = '/path/to/hdf5/file'
data = up4.Data(drum_hdf5_file)
grid_car = up4.Grid(data=data, num_cells=[20, 20, 20])

Plotting with a cylindrical grid happens in an identical way, but using a Cartesian grid for this example maintains the shape for the drum’s free surface so that each plot is easier to understand.

Heat Map#

We can visualise the depth-averaged velocity field, a vector quantity, as a scalar field using up4.Plotter2D.scalar_map:

vel_field = data.vectorfield(grid_car) # velocity vectorfield
plotter = up4.Plotter2D(vel_field) # create a Plotter2D instance
axis = 0 # interested in the y-z plane
plot_layout = dict(
    width=800, height=800,
    xaxis_title="y position (m)",
    yaxis_title="z position (m)",
) # set layout parameters for plot
plot_style = dict(
    colorbar_title="Velocity (m s<sup>-1</sup>)"
) # style the trace(s) in the plot
fig = plotter.scalar_map(
    axis = axis,
    selection = "depth_average",
    layout = plot_layout,
    style = plot_style
) # depth-average the vector grid

Alternatively, we could view just a slice of the y-z plane:

vel_field = data.vectorfield(grid_car) # velocity vectorfield
plotter = up4.Plotter2D(vel_field) # create a Plotter2D instance
axis = 0 # interested in the y-z plane
# select the y-z plane located at index 2, note that index is a required
# argument for "plane" selection.
fig = plotter.scalar_map(
    axis = axis,
    selection = "plane",
    index = 2,
    layout = plot_layout,
    style = plot_style
) # reusing formatting defined in the previous example

Note that these two examples could be combined into one, as a up4.Plotter2D instance can generate multiple figures based on the input grid provided to it since its plotting methods return a plotly.graph_objects.Figure instance.

vel_field = data.vectorfield(grid_car) # velocity vectorfield
plotter = up4.Plotter2D(vel_field) # create a Plotter2D instance
axis = 0 # interested in the y-z plane
    plot_layout = dict(
    width=800, height=800,
    xaxis_title="y position (m)",
    yaxis_title="z position (m)",
) # set layout parameters for plot
plot_style = dict(
    colorbar_title="Velocity (m s<sup>-1</sup>)"
) # style the trace(s) in the plot

depth_fig = plotter.scalar_map(
    axis = axis,
    selection = "depth_average",
    layout = plot_layout,
    style = plot_style

# The same Plotter2D instance as above is used here to generate a different figure
# and the formatting can be reused!
plane_fig = plotter.scalar_map(
    axis = axis,
    selection = "plane",
    index = 2,
    layout = plot_layout,
    style = plot_style


Instead of the velocity field, what if we wanted to understand the quality of mixing in a granular process. We can do this by drawing contours of the granular temperature, as regions with higher values are better mixed.

gran_temp_field = data.granular_temperature(grid_car) # granular temperature field
plotter = up4.Plotter2D(gran_temp_field) # create a Plotter2D instance
axis = 0 # interested in the y-z plane
plot_layout = dict(
    width=800, height=800,
    xaxis_title="y position (m)",
    yaxis_title="z position (m)",
) # set layout parameters for plot
plot_style = dict(
    colorbar_title="Granular Temperature (m<sup>2</sup> s<sup>-2</sup>)"
) # style the trace(s) in the plot
fig = plotter.scalar_contour(
    axis = axis,
    selection = "depth_average",
    layout = plot_layout,
    style = plot_style
) # depth-average the vector grid

As before, perhaps we may be interested in a specific plane:

gran_temp_field = data.granular_temperature(grid_car) # granular temperature field
plotter = up4.Plotter2D(gran_temp_field) # create a Plotter2D instance
axis = 0 # interested in the y-z plane
# select the y-z plane located at index 2, note that index is a required
# argument for "plane" selection.
fig = plotter.scalar_contour(
    axis = axis,
    selection = "plane",
    index = 2,
    layout = plot_layout,
    style = plot_style
) # reusing formatting defined in the previous example

Note that the plots discussed in the tutorials for vector plotting can also be used on the dataset used in these tutorials, with the same up4.Plotter2D instance!

Formatting Scalar Plots#

The methods of up4.Plotter2D return plotly.graph_objects.Figure instances, so you can customise your plots to the same level of detail as natively using plotly. Examples of this are shown in each code block, where the x- and y-axes have been given labels, and the colourbar has been given a title. At the Python level, you can either pass dictionaries of plotly.graph_objects.Layout and trace style specifications, or interact with the returned plotly.graph_objects.Figure instance directly.

The choice to do this is deliberate as the plotly API in Python and Rust is substantially different. In Python, it is a fully object-oriented approach with a myriad of optional arguments, something that Rust cannot handle ergonomically. In Rust, the plotly API is instead following a functional paradigm. Thus, the choice was made that up4 will instead expose the figure in a manner compatible with the language’s API.

Finally, saving static plotly images to a required dpi is supported in up4:

# create a plot
import up4
drum_hdf5_file = '/path/to/hdf5/file'
data = up4.Data(drum_hdf5_file)
grid_car = up4.Grid(data=data, num_cells=[20, 20, 20])

vel_field = data.vectorfield(grid_car) # velocity vectorfield
plotter = up4.Plotter2D(vel_field) # create a Plotter2D instance
axis = 0 # interested in the y-z plane
plot_layout = dict(
    width=800, height=800,
    xaxis_title="y position (m)",
    yaxis_title="z position (m)",
) # set layout parameters for plot
plot_style = dict(
    colorbar_title="Velocity (m s<sup>-1</sup>)"
) # style the trace(s) in the plot
fig = plotter.scalar_map(
    axis = axis,
    selection = "depth_average",
    layout = plot_layout,
    style = plot_style
) # depth-average the vector grid

# now, save it with a required dpi
dpi = 600 # typical requirement for many journals
    fig = fig, # figure to save
    filename = "velocity_field.png" # location to save file to
    dpi = dpi, # image dpi
    border_width = 20, # width of paper border (in mm)
    paper_width = 210 # a4 paper width (in mm)